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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A slap in the face

That is what weigh in was yesterday. A slap in the face. Yes, hiding from the scale was not a smart thing to do. I KNOW that. It was an "easier" thing to do though. Weigh in was yesterday. It was at least 20 pounds of gain. I honestly cannot remember what my last weigh in weight was, I didn't like what it read yesterday and I know its at least a 20 pound gain. :( Not at all the direction I need to go, BUT there is small victory in the fact that the scale has appeared in the bathroom once again and I am not hiding from it.
There is also small victory in the fact that since about 2 p.m. Sunday I have had a violent bout of stomach flu/stomach bug whatever you want to call it. I have had ZERO appetite and have had trouble keeping anything down. Its made days one and two of the plan very easy to follow. Only, I didn't follow it exactly because i couldn't get my lean and green down yesterday. I just had six MF meals and one sugar free jello. I had one cup of coffee and couldn't even finish it. YES, stalker friends, I was sick. I usually have a POT of coffee.
I had a pudding for breakfast today and a bar at 10ish. It took ALOT to get the bar chewed up and down and it was a caramel nut, which is my favorite. I just couldn't stand solid food yet. I have a chicken noodle soup "brewing." I have steak thawing out, which I hope I get to eat with some broccoli. Real found is actually sounding good, but smelling it may be a different story. While being sick sucks, this time, its helping. :)
Today's reason for losing weight: (I thought I should bring this back, so I can regain my mojo and remind myself why I do this) I want to wear a pair of tight ripped up jeans with a tank top, my sparkle belt and my boots and look cute, not lumpy.
Today's goal: Eat my lean and green and remember to measure everything.

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