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Friday, June 24, 2011

My bad

All I've done blog wise this week, is come on here once, bitch about random topics and then leave you all again. Sorry! I have been otherwise occupied with writing a book. No, I'm serious. I don't know that I would call it a book. Perhaps a long short story or a novella, which is a short novel. Right now, it's twelve regular typing sheets of paper long. To me, that's a lot of fucking writing. I printed it out last night and looking at it I need to elaborate more on my first two "chapters". I've found my last couple of chapters are longer and more descriptive.
Its a mystery/comedy, think Janet Evanovich style. It doesn't have a title and the characters are loosely, extremely loosely in some instances, based on people I know. Watch out, you just might end up with an alter ego in my book :) It's been fun and a nice distraction from everyday life, although, I need to probably do some "real work" at the office instead of fiction. I also need to find my flash drive so I can continue to write at home on my lap top. It would save me from the 8 p.m. munchies. Honestly, I go through every day wonderfully and 100% on plan, then 8 p.m. rolls around and its all I can do to avoid diving head first into a bag of Sun Chips.
I'm planning another active weekend. I'm heading to the WEllness Walk for an hour tomorrow morning then golfing tomorrow night, albeit its Glow Ball and it will probably be a drunken, sloppy mess, but we will attempt it nonetheless, and at least sloppy drinking while trying to be active is better than sloppy drinking while sitting on your ass, face down in Sun Chips. :) Peace out dudes!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


of the random nature...
Just felt like spewing alot of randomness today....
Two mile walk on Saturday felt good, thank you Coach K for "holding my hand" yeah I didn't get all crazy and run or anything like that, getting out of bed after golfing Friday night was accomplishment enough.
Golfing Friday night fun times, good time had by all and golf game is gradually improving.
Golfed Sunday afternoon with the kidlets. Sad when you have to use your 7 year old's drive on no. 9 because you're a shankopotamous and the other two in your foursome sliced it onto the highway. (To give her some credit, she whacked it right down the middle of the fairway and it took a nice, healthy bounce, or two.)
Much love to Two Moms and a Hoe, loving the t-shirt, you can trim my bush anytime.
To you young, or in some cases, not so young,  chippies who think its cool to take nudie shots on your phone and then text them to your boyfriend, do you not realize that the picture you took last night is now halfway across the nation because your boyfriend undoubtedly forwarded it to all of his buddies? Just waiting for the day that it gets back to your father, because yes, he too gets texts with boobies on them, on occasion. On a similar note, a forward of said boobies when they are anonymous (meaning you can tell its a still from a "paid" entertainer is one thing, seeing a forward of someone's boobies whom you might later see at the store is fucking gross...I'm just sayin.
Hoping that this is purely rumor, seeing as how life is like a game of telephone, but if there are insurance companies out there refusing to pay for the Missouri River flooding because they say it was caused by an act of man (Army Corps of Engineers not releasing water) may you rot in hell. NO, may the crabs of a 1,000 whores infest your crotch and may your arms be too short to scratch it.
It would be really nice if it stopped fucking raining....
Am I the only one who gets annoyed by the fact that JFK pretty much gets a free pass for fucking around on Jacque, IN the Whitehouse? Yeah, AHHH-nold is a poor excuse for a husband, but I'm sorry, didn't Maria's uncle do the same damn thing and yet no one says a word? (It's because he's dead isn't it?)
I kind of gotta agree with Roger Ebert. You tweet a photo of yourself drinking and partying it up and hours later die in a firey highspeed car crash, killing someone else in the process...hmmm....it's one of those things I will never understand about celebrities who get busted for OWI or who get in drunken car wrecks YOU OF ALL PEOPLE can afford to call a cab or HIRE a DRIVER! Not that we all haven't done stupid things while drinking, but really. (Oh and sorry Bam Magera, not sure that I buy that there are MILLIONS of people in mourning..yeah there are a bunch of us saying, "gee that's a shame" but had I not read that Ryan Dunn was "one of the dudes from Jackass", I'd have never known who he was...and the only reason I know who you are Mr. Magera is because you have your own show and your name is in the title.)
I am addicted to Mob Wives on VH-1. I want to punch Drita in the face every time she opens her mouth because I seriously don't think she's that tough and I think Carla is an idiot, but it's like the people watching show on the grand concourse at the state fair,  I can't quit looking. Renee reminds me a little of my friend Trudy...
I have been on TSFL for over a year now. It was one year on June 1. I'm really annoyed at myself that I have not met goal nor been on transition and maintenance. AM I smaller than I was a year ago, yes and that makes me happy. Am I smaller than I was six months ago. NO and that pisses me off. I have all of the tools in front of me and I know how to make this work, the fact that I am not, really is stupid. Its like trying to build your deck using a pliers as your hammer when your hammer is sitting in the tool box. You think, "Yeah, this probably isn't going to work, but eh, whatever, it will eventually get this nail in."
The good news, weigh in is down three pounds...84,000 left to go.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Contradiction in term

Is what I am. Either that or the complete definition of irony. For example. Last night, I was in the bathroom at a restaurant. The toilet paper roll is empty. There is a roll of toilet paper that's probably 1/2 gone sitting on the lid of the toilet, meaning that numerous people have used that roll of paper. I was instantly annoyed and I took the spring loaded TP thingy off the holder and replaced it! It's that easy people! However, I am notorious for not doing the same at home. We have one of those holders that stands beside the throne, you have to unscrew the one end to put a new roll on and sometimes (2 a.m. when I wake up having to get rid of 120 oz. of water) its too much to unscrew the thingy so I just set it on top of the holder.
I could give you numerous examples...that's just how I am, I guess. Take me or leave me.
Yesterday I got my hair done..always makes a girl feel good, especially when it involves getting rid of her nasty ass Alabama hooker roots. Ra-ra wants to chop it all off. Another one of those "Just can't do it Captain" things. I did it once. I did Lock of Love, it was a good cause, it grew back rather quickly, but I am a long hair girl. I adore my ponytails when I am in a hurry. I think part of it is that before i started kindergarten my mom chopped all of my hair off. Like mega short. I think it gave me a complex that still exists today. That and the fact that I have a fat, round face and once read somewhere that long hair makes your face look longer. I did let her take about three inches off. It was a compromise.
I got new contacts yesterday. It's like a whole new world out there....(it was a massive for fuck around, thanks to the Wal-Mart vision Center). IF A. My prescription didn't run out in two days and B. I was not on my last pair, which had been in WAAAAY longer than the 2 weeks you are supposed to wear them, I would have said fuck it and ordered them online, like I have been doing. But, I didn't want to have to wait a week for them to come in. Seriously, one more bad Wal-Mart experience and I may start protesting....What really pissed me off was it took like 35 minutes and so there for I was running behind and I was pissed off and wanting to just get the fuck out of dodge, and I neglected to stop at Hy-Vee for PB2. Bastard Wal-mart anyway...
I avoided the massive best burger in Iowa, but only because we didn't get to the Duck, we went to Prime Time. Ordered food i shouldn't have, but left nearly all of it, but the meat, so there was some sort of victory there. I don't know why I can't just completely wrap my head around this this time. But again, I keep trying....and I will keep trying...until my skinny jeans stop talking to me.
Golfing with Drew tonight, 2 mile run/walk tomorrow, working tomorrow night, perhaps more golf Sunday...so I am staying active. Golfing with Drew versus Trudy is safer. (Love ya Trud and its a damn good time, but I doubt Drew and I will share a six pack on the first 9 and a 12 pack on the second.)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Ass maggotss and funky livers (a little graphic today)

This has been my weekend, thankfully, the ass maggots and funky liver are not mine, just periphery issues that have been floating through my life. Let's see, where have I been and what have I been up to since we last chit-chatted???? Ah-yes....
First 18 holes of golf for the year=epic failure. Well, okay, maybe not epic, but I sure remember being much better at it 16 years ago. I am pretty decent with a 4-wood and a 5-iron. I can usually pitch like a mo-fo, but beyond that I suck...hard. Three margaritas and a 6-pack did not improve my game. It did improve my mood and the fun level, though! (And I did feel as though I was about to be attacked my a peacock every time I turned around, that could have had some bearing on my horrible driving.)
Thursday=hangover and a whole lotta nothing.
Friday= MIL taken to Mercy for funky liver happenings. (For some reason every time I type the word funky I start singing Funky-Col-Medina in my head) Spent the day with the nieces and nephew, Big D and I were like drill sergeants at day camp. It went well, they nearly ate me out of house and home. I put a pork roast and some cheesy potatoes in my two crock pots for them to eat for supper, as I was moonlighting that night and there was not a bite left. I honestly think they licked the potato pot.
Saturday-We camped out in tents....we had a double wide. Yes, our tent had two rooms. We narrowly avoided marriage counseling setting the tent up and it only took us three beers each. One bottle of crown royal (Big D) a six pack of Jeremiah Weed (me) and a few Vegas bombs later, sleeping on the ground wasn't so bad! However, at 4:30 a.m. when the first little drops of rain began to fall, we realized that our "double-wide" while having two rooms, had no roof. It was all screen. (The extra piece of canvasy crap and the extra ties that we both asked, "What the fuck are these for?" began to make sense.) In our booze soaked haze we just pulled the blankets over our heads and went back to sleep. At some point the blanket came off of my face. (Probably because I can't sleep with anything on my face as I have some mild claustrophobia issues) The rain continued to fall intermittently and when I woke up for good and went in the house, my mascara had run like little black rivers all down my face making me look a little like Gene Simmons after a Kiss concert. Yes kids, there is a reason we don't "tent"...we have 32 foot travel trailer that has a roof..... Oh and there is no need for a mechanical engineering degree when putting our camper away. We do not need to strategically fold it into an Origami like shape in order to shove it into a bag that is six sizes smaller than the tent. We just back the fucker into the machine shed and push the button on the automatic jack. (Seriously, is there anyone on this planet that can get a tent back into its bag correctly? If you exist I will hire you to do it for me.)
Now what else? Ah yes, ass maggots. My darling sister-in law's precious pooch Jackson is... how do I put this gently? Morbidly obese in human terms. He's a corgi. I have a corgi as well. Miley, (my corgi) on a good day, after having just devoured the carcass of a deer, MIGHT weigh 20 pounds. I mean she stands a whole 3 inches off the ground. I am not lying when I say Jackson probably weighs 80 pounds. Yes, we've tried diet and exercise programs, and now that he lives on the farm, he's a bit more active, but he's been on puppy Prozac for his nerve issues and he's just. well.....Jackson. Turns out even though we THINK he's been a little more active..He's been too lazy to actually get up and crap, therefore, ass maggots were discovered in his massive dingleberry. While you all are gagging at this story, I am laughing my ass off because I am picturing my, 'almost went to vet school-animals dying is a way of life- yes dear that is a pile of shit, try not to step in it with your high heels-what do you mean your dog is on Prozac?-' younger brother trying to solve this problem for his wife. To wrap the story up..maggots are gone but my "nephew dog" has a shaved ass....it made me laugh this morning. (I'm picturing the little tub-o-lard running around the farm with a shaved ass..I can't help but picture one of those red ass monkeys)
MIL is home from the hospital doing fine, but still no real answer as to what her diagnosis is...they "think" it was a medication reaction...but test results are still to come, I guess. She's weak and tired, but her vitals are all strong and we're not asking her to run a marathon, so she can just rest and recoup.
My parents celebrate their 45th wedding anniversary this week. I wanted to put their picture in the paper and have a little card shower. Mom refused. She said, 'It's just 45 years, its not a big deal.' Ummm when the average length of a marriage in the U.S. is what 5 years? I would say 45 is kind of a big deal. We are celebrating with an all grown-ups meal out, starting with cocktails on my brothers new deck. (At least that's what our social coordinator (who also happens to be the dog ass shaver) is telling us.) I added the cocktails on his new deck part, since he's hiring my child to watch the youngin's....I think he wants to have a peaceful dinner that does not include wrestling his 2-year old and eating 'Hot balls" at "The hot ball barn"... (My nephew Clay calls cheese balls hot balls and calls Darrells Place the hot ball barn.) We are going to the Rusty Duck for our meal. It is home to the best burger in the state of Iowa. I have had this burger. It will take everything I have to resist ordering it. I wonder if getting drunk before dinner would be less calorically damaging?
Now--food and diet wise...bleh....lots of booze, I did eat the purple cauliflower. it was good, although I am suspicious that the purple is just dye, as it makes the water purple when you cook it. I tried the pre-cooked tyson chicken fajitas...ewww...too many pieces of "funky fatish gristle" shit. I literally threw up in my mouth and threw it out to the dogs. I cannot handle any part of chicken thats not the 100% middle of the breast, nice, pulls apart almost stringy breast piece. Just can't do it Captain. So I ended up having a spoon full of peanut butter and a piece of string cheese as my protein last night.
Today and tomorrow I am on a "liquid" detox. Shakes and tomato soup only. They are the lower calorie options and I need to flush the bad shit out. (Kind of like that scene in Dumb and Dumber where Jim Carey thinks he's doing the Heimlich maneuver by pushing the guys legs up and down saying "Out with the bad, in with the good...")
The good news right now is that salads no longer have that "oh God not another fucking salad" effect on my anymore, like they did for a time and even when I'm not perfect, I am doing much better at getting my vegetables in. Yes, for a while I was on anti-vegetable mode.
Weigh in this week was up 2 pounds, deservedly so...I am not perfect, never have claimed to be, but I keep trying and that my friends is all I can do! Peace out!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Like the new scenery?

It was time to mix things up a little.
Turkey zucchini burgers=awesome..made a little dill mayo to put on top of it, had a salad and some tomatoes, good stuff Maynerd.
Its been too fucking hot to do much exercise, to be frank. Yes, I know, I should get up early in the morning and walk. I should stop biting my fingernails, drinking coffee, shopping for crap I don't need and give up my addiction to watching Ghost Adventures, too, but I don't foresee any of the above happening. You see, no matter how much energy I have. I HATE MORNINGS! Seriously. I am not a morning person. I honestly could sleep until noon and have no hard feelings about it. I always have been that way. I love my sleep like most people love their children; some of you maybe more than. To me, the 6 a.m. alarm I have in place for driver's ed, is plenty fucking early. Now, it's not to say that once drivers ed is over I won't get up at that time and walk...that could happen, especially since Drew wants to start going to the weight room in the morning versus evening. I walk-he lifts, it's a good program, its what we did last summer. It's not working right now because he has to be at school at 7, meaning, I have one hour (okay roughly 35 minutes, when you count the snooze button I hit and the time it takes to drive to town) to get ready for work every morning. 
I do plan to golf this afternoon, so there is a little bit of exercise, yes it will be completely eliminated by the beer that will accompany it, but, alas, such is life.
Todays reason for losing weight: Cute tank tops, I see skinny people in cute tank tops and think, hmm if I didn't have bat wings and back fat, perhaps I could pull that off :)
Today's goal: Eat the purple cauliflower before it goes bad, you've been thinking about it, but just haven't done it. (Because you have to finish off the salad greens :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Farmers Markets

are the best. Speaking of which, anyone know when the hell ours opens? I stopped at Exira's on Friday, sad that only one vendor was there (yes, I realize its early in the season but none the less, share your goods people!) The one vendor that was there was a good one though! He had some great mixed salad greens and fresh spinach. I got some homemade grape jelly for the kids, too. The only draw back, okay, two drawback, were...I didn't need the guy's life story and details on all of the products he had. (Dude I just want some fucking spinach.) Secondly, the bus full of rabid quilters who had descended upon the quilt shop that stopped at his stand and all paid in $20 so he was out of change. So, I went to the bar, who was also out of change...thank God one of the guys in the bar had change for me :)
Anyway, the greens and spinach were terrific. Can't wait until more fresh produce starts popping up for sale.
I bought the Morningstar Farms basil and tomato pizza burgers and am reminded that I love them dearly. I could eat them every day, mmmmm-mmmm good. Also bought the tyson chicken fajita stuff (the pre-cooked-kind, so we'll see how they are.) Tonight I'm making turkey burgers on the grill. Adding some shredded zucchini to keep them moist. I will have one with my greens and some tomatoes. Looking forward to it!
Weigh in-down 2 more pounds :)
Gee how many more to go?

Friday, June 3, 2011

Holy hill

Batman. I DID walk while Jaci was at dance last night. Hiked was more like it. I left the dance studio and immediately went up to the top of the hill to (forgive me, I've been away from Atlantic for too long) the top of Sunnyside Park, I think it was???Big ass honkin hill. I quickly went back down the hill, only to find myself trekking BACK up 14th? I think it was??? Took it to Birch, back over to 10th and back to the studio. Bottom line, my thighs and ass are killing me today. I felt like I needed a cane to walk to the bathroom when I got out of bed this morning. But that's a good thing! (all in all about 2 miles, less than 30 minutes)
Bummer, no PB2 at the Atl Hy-Vee. Another bummer, I thought I had grabbed kale to make more kale chips, only to discover that I had actually grabbed mustard greens. WTF does one do with mustard greens? If you have any ideas...throw 'em at me. All I can think of is sautee like you would fresh spinach. Something fun I did manage to grab was purple cauliflower. It's supposed to be a little sweeter, don't really care, I like cauliflower no matter what color it is, just thought purple would be fun!
I mentioned this next thing in my column for next week (yes, I KNOW I am an over achiever, as my deadline is like 5 days away!!!!) but someone shared with me an open letter written to the Governor of Michigan, from a superintendent who wants to change his high school into a prison. Think about what we spend annually on prisoners and what we spend annually on our students. I promise you, your panties will get in a wad. Prisoners at Oakdale Prison here in Iowa are living a $54,301 lifestyle....the state gives schools $5,280 (or something close to that) per student. To bring it closer to home. The people in our local jail, I don't call them prisoners, its not a prison its a jail...get to eat the daily special from the Food Pride deli everyday for lunch, dinner, and breakfast, too, I believe. I would like to be able to afford the daily special at Food Pride everyday, but I don't have that sort of funding. Yes, I know, they need to eat. You can get a loaf of bread for $1.29, a SQUEEZE bottle of mustard (no knife needed) for 99 cents and a package of bologna for $2 and you can make probably 10 sandwiches. There you go....Now if that were to happen there would be 87 lawyers screaming civil liberties. I'm sorry, when your social status went from citizen to criminal or prisoner, I think civil liberties get shitcanned too.
I thought when prisons were first created many, many, many moons ago it was to DETER people from committing crime. (For example in medieval times, we chained you to a wall and didn't feed you for a few days....I bet that sucked and I bet it would have made me think, "Wow that was a BAD idea." What does prison say now? I get all of my meals, healthcare, cable televsion, internet access, I can earn a college degree, I have a built in fitness center and all of my clothing is provided. And here's the best part....I don't have to pay a dime for it, someone else foots the bill. When I get out, I can't vote (but then again I never did in the first place) and it's a little hard to find a job, but that's okay, there are government hand-outs that give me enough money to buy cheeto's and Mt. Dew and I can dump bottles of water out on the curb and cash in the refund so I can buy my smokes and I'll get by. I'll have a couple more kids with baby mamas three and four (the tax payers will pay for that) and then get busted again so I can get cable tv again. I think there is very little in the current prison system that would DETER a criminal from committing another crime. Make them miserable! At least take their  cable and internet away, please?
Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm over-exaggerating a bit and generalizing a tad but when it comes right down to it; if we gave schools the money per student that we give prisons per prisoner, perhaps those schools would be better equipped to make sure some students don't turn into prisoners...
Goal for today/tonight/this weekend-No snacks..you don't NEED them. You're simply bored and wanting to munch, so let's no do that, k?
Reason for losing weight---smaller bras. (yes, boobs are a good thing--but smaller bras are nice too, they are cuter)

Thursday, June 2, 2011


but not really...it totally felt like it though. I made the creamy buffalo chicken from the lighter recipes site, and yow-za, was it good. It was a little thick, so I added some more hot sauce, accidentally took the lid off instead of just opening it, so it ended up being A LOT of extra hot sauce. Next time I think I will use WF ranch instead of the lite ranch, it seemed salty to me, so, the WF ranch will add less sodium. THEN, because I was in a snacky mood, I had "fried" dill pickles. GASP...I can hear you all now..FRIED?? You FRIED??? No, I did not fry. I crushed up a package of ranch soy crisps. Took two dill pickle spears dried them off well with a paper towel, dipped them in a little egg whites then rolled them in the crushed soy crisps. Put them on a PAM sprayed baking sheet and baked the little buggers at 450 for about 10 minutes. I spritzed a little ranch salad spritzer on them and viola! Fried dill pickles. Not EXACTLY like they make at Hooters, but close enough for comfort.
Goal last night= epic fail, well, I guess I wouldn't say epic. I only managed a half hour instead of an hour walk and I went 2 miles and then some. I did get my 15 minute goal accomplish tho. I walked 1 mile, jogged 1 400, walked another 400 then the remaining three-400's I walked the straightaways and jogged the corners. which means I jogged 1000 meters, which would equal???? (too many numbers my brain is starting to hurt!) basically a 200 short of 3/4 of a mile. Drew was supposed to run with me, be my Jillian-minus the snarl and capri pants, but  being a boy he does have her "butch" look down. (Yes, she has long hair and can be mildly pretty at times, but she looks a lot like a dude at other times...I seriously keep searching for the Adams apple, and not just because she's buff...I think its her extremely angular jaw line...I dunno). He however did not realize we were running in public (GASP). I must officially be old because I have entered the "do not be seen in public with your mother" phase. He took Jace to t-ball, quickly got bored and came to walk/run with me. So evidently, I'm not too horrific, yet.
Goal today- Depending on if I get off work early (meaning noonish) walk/jog this afternoon or walk while Jaci is dancing in Atl tonight. I really need to walk while she's at dance to avoid the whole "call ex-coworkers and have a margarita" thing....I do however need to stop at Hy-Vee to see if I can find the PB2 and get some baggies....
Reason for weight loss today- jogging...plain and simple...less fat around the midsection, means less wind I will suck when jogging and man do I suck a lot of wind....
Bonus--How to tell if you're totally committed to TSFL--the wind...not only am I sucking it, the soy is making me break it...often...also, when looking at Tupperware, I ignore the  gadgety type products and the big bowl and the organizational pieces and eye the little sets that would hold my soup/pudding/shakes/perfectly.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


is bugging the hell out of me today. If I recall my government classes correctly, no where in the Bill of Rights nor the Constitution does it say, "I am entitled to receive anything and everything I ask for, no matter what." When we are born, the only thing were entitled to is our freedoms, which do not include "gimme, gimme, gimme."
It annoys the hell out of me when I drive up to Caring and Sharing in my 1997 POS minivan with 150,000 miles on it to drop off my donation, only to see those who are there to receive goods pull up in brand new vehicles carrying a Coach bag.
I am annoyed by governmental entities/leaders/elected officials who refuse to tighten belts or make difficult decisions because they can just raise the taxes to make up for their lack of common sense OR because the taxpayer money isn't "their" money, so who who cares if we spend it on frivolous crap we don't really need.
I am annoyed by those individuals and even multi-million dollar businesses who ask for government hand outs and when those hand outs are offered, they are not good enough. I'm sorry, how about the rest of us who receive NO handouts????
I am annoyed that a job paying $18 an hour is not "good enough" employment for certain people or that a $55,000 annual salary is much too small...Really? REALLY????
Hooof-dee, that's enough lamenting. But honestly, some of these people make me want to scream, often and loudly.
Last night I had a marvelous stirfry...I did some prep work and cut up three chicken breasts, measuring out 6 ounces and bagging them up individually. I threw in a bag of fresh stirfry veggies, mostly big beautiful broccoli heads with a few pea pods and some broccoli slaw. I did pick out the bigger pieces of shredded carrot, BUT not all..this is another fail area of my TSFL lifestyle. I cannot fathom that a few random pieces of shredded carrot will contain enough carbohydrates to kick me out of fat burn. Anywho, I mixed up a simple "sauce" of a sash of sesame oil, low salt-light soy sauce, garlic, red pepper flakes and the last of the PB2 I had been hoarding to make a "thai-peanut sauce" YUMMO!!!
I made the brownie bottom soft serve for dessert. I mixed the PB soft serve with just enough water to make it like a thick pudding consistency, then dropped half of it in a heap on top of each 1/2 brownie and froze it for an hour. Seriously the best way I have found yet to eat the soft serve, in fact, I may just order some more. I had never liked the consistency of it, the flavor was fine, it was the "slushy" consistency that made me cack. Mixing it like a pudding and then freezing is MUCH better...
Jaci has t-ball tonight, so I will be walking tonight, gotta keep trying to get my speed up for the 5K's coming up. Tomorrow night I will be in Atl for dance, so I hope to walk during that time, too...Drew has drivers ed all week (class and driving) so Jaci has been coming to work with me, Friday morning we may go for a wlak instead of coming in to the office at 7, we shall see...its good to have a plan.
Today's goal- Jaci has one hour of ball, my goal is 4 miles in that one hour...shouldn't be hard to do.
Today's reason for losing weight--getting rid of that arm/underarm/sideboob/flab that kind of sticks out from your bra/underarm area when wearing a tank top....that seriously needs to go. time to break out the resistance bands again....

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Pulled one over

on Wally-world. Well, not technically, I just gave them the stink eye and reminded them of their latest advertising campaign, "Match it..Match it..match it." I went to Atl Saturday, fully intending to shop at Hy-Vee so I could use their buy 10 get 5 free Powerade coupon. Drew called as we were in Brayton needing extra socks, so, change of plans, Wal-Mart it is. I remembered that they honor other stores coupons and price match. So I picked up my 15  32 oz bottles of Powerade Zero and the rest of the things I needed and proceeded to the check out, where I was told they didn't honor BOGO coupons...hmmm I said, "No where on your ads does it say that and in all honesty, if it weren't for these $3.50 socks here I would be purchasing all of these goods at Hy-Vee." So, she called the manager who said he "wanted to make me happy" (Sorry dude, unless you magically convert me into a size 5 while simultaneously changing yourself into Jon Bon Jovi, I will not be "happy" while in a Wal-Mart) He did make me content however, by offering me 10 powerades at half price or 39 cents each...bonus. Well the Wal-mart checker, being the rocket scientist they normally are misunderstood and gave me all 15 of them at half price. That's 15-32 oz bottles of Powerade for $5.85 :) Boo-ya....
That was about as productive as it got for me over the weekend. Busy. Lots of stuff going on, but found plenty of time to relax and enjoy, as well. Diet wise, we did ok...drank too much, but such is life. Weighed in this morning as three day weekends always screw up my time table. Tomorrow will be Tuesday all day, guaranteed..anywho, down another 2 pounds...we will take it.
Today's goal--more water, flush the system out...
Today's reason for losing weight--Its still the skinny jeans hanging on my wall mocking me. I want them to stop mocking and start fitting...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

A pile of

randomness...I feel the need to purge (thoughts that is)
I can't help but be mildly entertained when listening to KISS 107.5 and the "Christian" station starts fuzzing in and out... "Sex in the air I don't care I love the smell of Jesus loves me this I know..." how can that not make you laugh out loud?
Speaking of that song, rarely do I turn the channel when I have the kids with me, if a song that they "shouldn't" listen to comes on, but this one I do...it kind of creeps me out and makes me want to take a shower after listening to it.
I can say that I never once watched a second of this season's "American Idol", "Biggest Loser" or "Dancing with the Stars." And I feel somewhat smarter because of it...(not to put down anyone who does watch these three shows, I just had zero interest in any of them)
Jicama intrigues me..evidently it intrigues spell check, as well, as it keeps wanting me to change it to Jamaica....
I heard that a guy in Florida got pulled over and eventually busted for drug possession. They found the stuff up his ass...he claimed it wasn't his..."I'm sorry ociffer, someone must have shoved this bag of coke up my ass without my noticing." (Thud...) BUT in all honestly, it makes me wonder if the drug dog truly detected the drugs or if he was just being a typical dog and sniffing ass?
Speaking of dogs, I do like dogs, I am a dog person, however, I draw the line at letting something that eats its own shit lick my face...
I understand that around these parts "extreme" couponing, to the extent that is shown on TV is not possible because we don't have stores that have "store cards" and those that allow double coupons. I get that, fine, whatever, I see no need to coupon to that extreme. What I don't understand about the whole process is-- what in the FUCK does a person do with 178 bottles of laundry soap? I commend those that purchase these ridiculous amounts of products and then donate them to charity and I'm all about doing what you can to save money. But there was a chick on there last night that would have to eat Hamburger Helper everyday for 2 years in order to eat it all before its expiration date. Now, I don't know about you, but I like a little variety. Also, have you noticed that the majority of the people on this show are overweight? Hmmm processed food much???? I guess I don't buy stuff just because I have a coupon for it, or because its on sale..I buy the shit I need, if its on sale, or if I remember that I have a coupon for it, then bonus...
I cannot say the word coupon without saying it in Ron White fashion... "Koo-pin"
Last night, decent night, had a burger wrapped in lettuce leaves with a side salad and some cauliflower..made the crunch bar/brownie cookies, they were good (ate the other two already today)...
Tonight's meal will be dash and dine, not sure what I will have, as I have to drive to my mom's to get Jaci, ,bring her to dance, where I plan to walk, drive back to my mom's to pick up Drew and drop jaci off, as Drew has a cattle show this weekend and is working diligently to get the calves ready and won't be done in time to leave with the rest of us prior to dance..AND he has driver's ed at 7 bells tomorrow morning, so Jaci is staying over at grandma's to avoid the 6 a.m. wake up call...eeshhh when does school start again?
goal of exercise last night= epic fail---such is life
Goal tonight--sensible dine and dash, or perhaps have that 5th meal at 6 ish and have my L&G around 8...
Today's reason for losing weight---more energy (yeah, not really exciting or prolific, but I do appreciate the extra energy being on plan and being smaller provides)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


is my new discovery...don't ask me how to pronounce it, or where specifically it comes from. I just know that it is a nice, cheap, meaty, very mild fish. Food Pride (er Audubon Foods, sorry) has it for like 89 cents a package right now. Two packages equals one serving. I wrapped mine in foil sprinkled it with dill and squeezed a little lemon juice on it and threw it on the grill (frozen mind you) grilled that puppy for 20 minutes. It was good. Not fishy AT ALL. Which is how I like my fish. Funny, I know, but I know a lot of people who don't want their fish to taste "fishy" which means they don't want to eat anything that tastes like pond water. It sort of reminds me of the people that say, 'It tastes just like chicken.' If I hear that, then I say, "Then I will just order the chicken" because anything that "tastes just like chicken" is meant to be worn, not eaten... (alligator, snake, etc.)
I added some grilled asparagus to my plate along with the rest of my kale baked into kale chips...yummm.
I made my goal of not having any bites last night..whoo hoo, small steps, kids, small steps...
I didn't get a walk in last night, but I did do some gardening and weed pulling, my pig shit infused garden is very happy, my thumb just might turn green yet!
Today's reason for losing weight: getting a new sparkly belt
Today's goal: exercise of some sort, even if I can't get outside to do it.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Really? Really?

Seriously...some people just need kicked in the teeth, repeatedly....and often...like hourly. I mean the audacity people have nowadays is just astounding. It makes me wonder how some people sleep at night. Anyway, enough about that....pointless people will not fuck up my day, so there!
Anywho...even being on plan it really is amazing how difficult it is to avoid a bite this time around. When I first started on plan, I didn't really allow a bite here or a bite there. I would make potato salad, or something like that, for the family and the would just have to be happy with how it tasted. This time around, I'm finding myself lacking the resolve to not take that "taste". I think until you are on this plan, you can't grasp that concept. I know I have heard from NP's (non-plan peeps) that, "oh it's just a bite." And while that may be true, those "bites" all add up and can throw you out of fat burn in a heart beat because no body just has ONE bite. It's a bit of this and a taste of that and a bite of whatever that is, because just one bite won't hurt. Well in the grand scheme of things, yes, one bite won't kill me, BUT it will seriously extend the time it takes to drop these last 20 pounds.
I made potato salad the other night and didn't hesitate to taste it because I have not been diligent this time around. What I've realized I should have done is swished the potato salad around in my mouth then spit it out into the garbage! Yes, that might officially turn me into a whack job, but the point of the matter is, sometimes there really is a terrible struggle in avoiding "just one bite."
So my goal this week, no bites...no tastes. If I'm not going to give up my beer, then I must give up my bites. Plain and simple.
Reason for losing weight--my tire returned and this time its a tractor tire. The weight I gained back, all went directly to my stomach. It's hideous. I feel like a blob....bleh...
BTW- 2 miles walked last night...the way the weather is looking, its not looking too promising for a walk this evening. Rat bastards....

Monday, May 23, 2011

Just a quickie

...sorry kids, not long to chat, weigh in this week was only down a pound, BUT I totally deserved the one pound loss as I I had excess drinking due to excess stress....yeah, yeah, yeah, blowing that whole optimal health thing to shit, I KNOW but you know what, i am not giving up my booze and if that makes me sound like a need a 12 step program, so be it. I just tend to make wiser booze decisions (i.e. Select 55, Ultra, one glass of wine versus and entire bottle) when I'm not stressed out. When I am stressed and pissy, I tend to drink whatever's around :) and I'm positive the steak I ate was a bigger lean portion than required, but I avoided the garlic mashed with white gravy, so suck it Trebeck....
Kale chips were a victory..while yes they were not like eating a potato chip, they did satisfy that crispy munchie thing that is needed. And they were super simple.. spray a baking sheet with PAM, tear up desired amount of kale, sprinkle with seasoning..I'm a garlic freak, so garlic powder it was. Bake at like 425-450 for seriously 3-4 minutes...that's it. i spritzed the with some ranch dressing spritz and really enjoyed them. Kale has sort of a spinachy/lettuce type taste..it was a nice afternoon snack.
Three mile walk last Thursday while Jaci was at dance...felt good. Walking tonight as Jaci starts t-ball...and so the summer fun begins!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Oh my gravy!

(Yes, Cord, I'm stealing that for this post) I think I'm in love with PB2. I may start sprinkling that shit on everything. (I will have to check with Coach K on how much of this powdery peanutty goodness one is allowed.) Thank God I don't have an entire jar of it. I only have a plastic baggie of it. (I'm looking like a junkie..my little plastic bag full of powdered peanut butter that I may start snorting. Be careful if you see me rolling up a $20.) I think I could get in trouble with it, so I may have to give my jar to Coach and have her ration it out to me in little baggies. She can be my peanut butter crack dealer. :)
I made the Peanut butter cup and just had one for snack with my morning coffee. OMFG. I seriously am in love...not just like, not just infatuation, not just a crush. I seriously fucking love it. PB2 about a tablespoon of it, mixed with water to make it a creamy past in the bottom of a little container, one packet of hot chocolate mixed with 3 T of water spread it over the Pb mixture and freeze for an hour. I pulled mine out of the freezer when the chocolate was still kind of soft, almost a thick pudding like consistency. I seriously licked the freaking bowl. SOOOO good. Now I'm cursing that I didn't order hot cocoa. I'm going to try it with chocolate pudding and see if it works.
We had a super support meeting last night. Kind of like a stitch and bitch, without sewing. Its nice to be able to talk with others who are on the plan, whether struggling with it, or kicking its ass like Lora is. It's nice to know there are other people in the boat to share with. The what works, what doesn't. How you feel, the why's...what your starting weight actually was, that sort of thing. (It was kind of a mini victory for me. Before last night, Coach was the only one who knew my starting weight. My husband doesn't even know this number. Now there are three others who do...you can now consider yourselves in the inner circle.) I told them what my starting weight was and what I had lost and they could do the math...It was a nice little motivator, ass kick type of event. I need that, a lot. In fact, we all do. We told Coach she needed to start harassing us, literally. Like at random times during the day a text saying, "Hey Fat Sajack (thank you HM) step away from the pizza and go heat up your soup," would be helpful.
I'm having a growly moment...its one of those "Are you fucking kidding me?" type of things. I'm trying not to let it bother me, or get me down, but the situation is seriously starting to annoy the piss out of me. I realize that not everyone's priorities are on the same page, but the extreme selfishness and disregard for other people's feelings/people in general, that I have witnessed in the last 24 hours blows my fucking mind. For the sake of keeping the peace and not breaking any kneecaps, I'm going to try and just let it go. I just hope someday I don't let a Jeremiah Weed induced rampage loose because it could get ugly. And in the words of Forrest, "That's all I have to say about that."
I'm thinking its going to be a cauliflower pizza night. I saw the recipe on line as I was searching for the tater tot recipe to share and it just sounds good. I'll make it a spinach and chicken alfredo one, as I have spinach that needs eaten. (Which could be another reason for the morning's growliness....Bag of spinach lying on top shelf of fridge. Open carton of heavy cream (used for a recipe--why the remainder of it wasn't thrown away, is beyond me, so don't ask) spills in fridge. No one notices or bothers to clean it up. Mom opens fridge this morning to find several funky colored drips of God knows what down the front of every shelf--upon investigation, spilled cream container is found-- bag of spinach is covered in half frozen cream, so I had to transfer the spinach to a rubbermaid container....I also did not have time to properly clean the fridge, so I tossed the majority of the cream covered shit and took the offensive shelf out and put it in the sink. Needless to say, I will have a lovely treat when I get home.)
Ahhhh the joys of being a grown up..

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hey lookie here

It's a blog and what I think I am supposed to do is write on it?? It's funny, every time I open my blog it brings up my "dashboard" for managing my blog and it says I only have one blog. I always think, FFS people, I have enough trouble managing one blog and writing one blog, I could not imagine thinking oh enough shit to write on two or more of them!
This pos is going to be full of randomness because frankly, weight loss efforts are boring to me right now. Week two down two pounds, blah, blah, blah..I have tried no new recipes, although I did buy kale and am looking forward to making kale chips, I'll let ya know how that goes... (I'm not seeing how leafy green shit baked in the over will translate into chippy goodness...we shall see.
Saturday night, first time for everything, I was the DD, stayed stone cold sober the entire night....don't get used to it people, it won't happen often...
Sunday, I went to commencement where the crotchety old bitchy lady came out. (Seriously, I felt like a younger, slimmer Kenny with a vagina) "Excuse me little punk in the band/choir...you're wearing ripped up jeans, a t-shirt and flip flops?' What the fuck happened to formals? Or at the very least dress clothes? To me, this is a reflection on the teachers, too. I don't care if you had to sit half of the goddamned choir in the chorus room, if one of my students showed up dressed in torn jeans and flip flops, they would not have sung and they would not have passed the assignment. Have some pride and self respect. I can hear the argument now. "Not all the kids have formals or can afford one." When I was a freshman I didn't have one either and wasn't going to go buy one. It's called borrowing. I had a neighbor who had a daughter who was a few years older than I. She had a formal. I wore it for 2 hours and gave it back to her. End of story. There were some kids dressed up, but the majority of them looked like shit.
Whew...that wore me out I might have to be done for the day....peace out peeps.

Friday, May 13, 2011

It's a 2-fer

for your reading enjoyment! Actually, I wrote the previous post yesterday but when I went to load it, the blogger site was down, so I was unable to share it yesterday. Today, you get two for the price of one.
I did not reach my goal yesterday. Yes, Jaci and I were home alone and I was able to control 100% what came out of the kitchen. However, the only fish I had was salmon and I really wasn't in the mood for something that "fishy" and I had no chicken breasts that were thawed out. Yes, I could have defrosted one in the microwave, but when you do that the edges sometimes "cook" and then they get all hard and chewy on the edges. Hamburger was thawed and in the fridge, so hamburger patties it was. I had mine with a slice of tomato, pickle and mustard, no bun of course and a big salad on the side. Jace had a bun (with her burger) and some left over mac and cheese.
However, while I "failed" at the leaner lean portion, I did take a walk while Jaci was at dance, it was a gorgeous night. I logged 2.2 miles in about 33 minutes. I didn't do anything crazy like run or even  jog any portion of it because I was walking the city streets and didn't want anyone "watching" me. Now, I know what you're thinking, "When you do these 5k's people will be watching." Yes, I realize that, BUT other people will be running/walking the same course, so there will be more people than just me huffing/puffing/flopping around. My route had plenty of hills and it was really a nice, peaceful, enjoyable walk.
My baby girl is 7 on Monday, we're taking her to Claire's tomorrow to get her ears pierced. Should be a hoot. I'm making her dad go with because she would be a bawling/whiny mess with me, but with him there, I doubt she makes a peep. Its funny to think 7 years ago I started on my first weight loss journey. I did Weight Watchers, lost 30-some pounds, gave it up and gained it all and then some back! Here I am, 7 years later 50-some pounds gone, 20 some regained. The difference? I woke up before I gained all 50 back and am working on getting the 20 some and then some gone, and this time, gone for good.
Today's reason for losing weight: Ozark Mountain Jubilee (lake trip) is exactly, okay, not exactly, roughly 11 weeks away. boy would it be nice to wear a 2 piece. (disclaimer---not a bikini, that will never happen, but a tankini with a top that doesn't roll up on top my fat roll and one that has bottoms that don't roll down under my fat roll..bottom line...in the next 11 weeks, get rid of the fat roll!
Today's goal: No pop at Darrell's tonight. Iced tea or water only.

Oh, the magic of

Lycra. I was REALLy starting to feel like a fat cat (and you'll get the meaning of that reference here in a minute) until I realized the jeans that I KNEW should fit and didn't.. were 100% cotton. Yes, If I were true to the plan and had pulled my head out of my ass long ago, said jeans would be too big, but as it stands, jeans are now too tight. I can get them on, I just cannot sit or bend over for fear of rippage. Now my point is, the jeans in question are a 32. The jeans which I am comfortably wearing, with no worry of rippage are 31's. The difference? 1% lycra. It's amazing what 1% can do. But only 1% anymore than that and the jeans get way too stretchy and are four sizes too big by the end of the day.
Now for the fat cat reference. Please don't send PETA after my ass or anything, I own a freakin' farm full of animals, but I realized they are just that...animals. We are number one on the food chain for a reason. Anyway...our insanely fat- pregnant, whore, psycho cat has taken a shine to sitting on the roof of Miss Bonne and then will leap up into the rafters of the garage when anyone comes in our out of the house. Mr. Dan has taken a shine to using psycho whore cat as target practice when he sees her on Miss Bonne and the whore cat knows this, so she tends to try and scamper to the rafters as quickly as she can whenever the door opens. Last night, I opened the door to the garage to check on Jaci, who was playing outside, and there sits whore cat on the car. She sees me, jumps for the rafters, misses and manages to cling to the garage door opener. You see, she's underestimated her girth and the fact that she's freaking huge. She hung there by her two front paws, frantically trying to get her fat ass up on to the top of the garage door opener while her front claws were sliding on the plastic of the opener. The dogs started barking at the cat hanging in mid air, i was laughing my ass off and all of the sudden she looks around and lets out this huge "MEOW" that certainly had to be "What the fuck did I just do, would someone help me?" in kitty speak. I'm not sure if she eventually made it up or if she fell onto the car. There was a tuft of fur on the roof of the car, but no dent, so I'm thinking she must have gotten the strength to haul ass.
I tried another new recipe last night: (Its a few too may carbs for on plan, I only had two, I fed the rest to the family, telling them they were sweet potato fries, while I ate broccoli.
Butternut Squash French Fries
Take a butternut squash, peel off the skin. Cut the squash in two so you have the roundish bottom part and the long skinny top part. The seeds are in the bottom round part, so cut it in half and take the seeds and innards out of it. Use a crinkle cutter (if you have one) or just use a knife to slice the squash into french fries. Place the fries in a bowl. Toss with your favorite seasonings and 1 T EVOO. If you can't "afford" the healthy fat, then just spray your baking sheet with PAM and spritz a little on the squash pieces so the seasonings stick. bake in a 450 degree oven for 20-25 minutes. I used garlic and onion powder, black pepper and a salt free "salt" seasoning. They taste a lot like sweet potato fries, only squash has 40 calories and 9 carbs per FOUR ounce serving, versus a sweet potatoe's 54 calories and 10 net carbs per TWO oz. serving. So you can have twice the squash fries as you can sweet potato fries. Real sneaky way to get the kids to eat a good "orange" vegetable and when they dip them in ketchup, the kids gobble em right down. (Isn't that the kid way? Cover anything in ketchup or ranch dressing and chances are a 6 year old will eat it.)
Today's reason for losing weight: To say goodbye to the Lycra. While I love its magic, I really would just like to wear the 100% cotton :)
Goal: Leaner protein tonight. Too much beef and pork this week--its what's in the freezer so its easy, cheap and handy, but I need to get some fish and chicken, or maybe egg beaters into the mix tonight. The boys will be at a Squawk-eye rally, so I should be able to have free range over what the menu says.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Need sleepy

Although I am thrilled to be back on the "lots of energy" portion of the plan, I may have stayed up a little to late last night. I had started watching a show on TLC about a 16 year old girl who was like an 11 month old in size due to a chromosomal defect, before Drew's band concert, I didn't get to see the last half. Low and behold, it was on again at 10 last night, so...I watched it all. 11 p.m. bedtime, not bad, UNTIL, I got sucked into the Chaz Bono documentary...it was strangely fascinating. (It was about his/her whole "transition" from girl to boy.) I like how it showed Cher's struggle with coming to terms with it. She had a lot of trouble referring to her as him. It also showed Chaz's partner Jenny and her struggle with whether or not she's still a lesbian. That's a damn good question! It was interesting. A little creepy at times, to be honest, but interesting. Anywho...stayed up too late, ass is dragging a little today.
Now, not to be completely cheesy, but I started thinking about weight loss when I was watching the documentary and not because Chasity's boobs turned into some serious man boobs after her surgery. (That was the creepy part) It was the fact that he/she was so UNBELIEVABLY uncomfortable in her own body that she would do ANYTHING to change it. I sort of get that, but not every day and I think that's where my "challenge" was. When I started I was so uncomfortable in my own skin that I didn't care what I did as long as it worked. Thenwhen i lost 50 pounds,  I got a little more comfortable, okay, fine, TOO comfortable and I started gaining weight back. But the problem with me was, I was comfortable with my outside appearance, but still not comfortable with me, if that makes any sense....I needed a big ol dose of self love, I guess...I don't know that I necessarily got that, but it did get that uncomfortable lard ass feeling again and that was a good enough wake up call for me! Anywho..enough rambling about that! Bottom line, if you're uncomfortable with something in your life, chances are, you are the only one that can fix it, so fix it or learn to deal with it. :)
Now, for my moments of random complaining. Is nothing sacred? There is no more class king and queen. A meaningless tradition? Perhaps. Antiquated? Maybe. But its a tradition. Something that made our school a little different. Something more than just songs and scholarships on class night. Plus, it was an award that meant a little more because your classmates voted on it, unlike homecoming queen where horny freshman just vote for the "hot chicks." It's just one more sign that I'm getting old, I guess. I like my traditions. I like things that don't change. And while we are on the subject, this is another random bitch of mine where graduations are concerned...why is it that receptions are so spread out anymore? When I was a senior, there were a very few that had their receptions before or after class night (they were the ones who had first cousins in the class and Grandma did not want to have to choose whose house to camp out at all day on Sunday. She wanted to camp at one on Saturday and one on Sunday), everyone else had theirs after commencement. Yeah, it would have been sort of nice to go to your friends reception, but you knew that that wasn't going to happen, so you handed her a card after the tossing of the caps and told her you'd see her at the beer party that night. Now, planning a graduation reception takes the strategery of the Navy Seals that killed Bin Laden and take up four different weekends. Also, back in the day it was sandwiches of some sort, bbq beef or pork, or open faced cold, chips, cake, mints and punch. Today, its walking tacos, root beer floats, cupcake towers, ice cream sundae bars, prime rib sandwiches, hot wings, brunch...you name it...yeesh I can't wait to see what things will be like in four years when I'm going through it all first hand. (For anyone keeping track, yes, I'll need to be medicated by then.)
Okay, enough random bitching....its time for me to blow outta here :)
Today's reason for losing weight: My first 5k of the year is less than 6 weeks away. I don't want to be too jiggly.
Today's goal: Keep on keeping on....

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

It's the little things

that annoy the crap out of me, or so I've realized. I'll admit that I've been trying to keep my annoyance level in check and have been doing pretty well. The fact that Mother nature stopped being a rotten slut and let the sun shine and heat come out for a few days may be helping that, but anywho... little things REALLY annoy me.
For instance...simple phone etiquette lesson. If I don't answer you the first time you call, hanging up and immediately hitting redial will not make me MAGICALLY answer. Furthermore if you feel the need to call me two times back to back, making me think you must REALLY need to talk to me, THEN LEAVE A FREAKING VOICEMAIL! If what you need is SOOO important that you must try incessantly to reach me, then it must be important enough to leave a message! FFS people. I'm either already talking to someone else and cannot answer the call waiting or I'm doing something like, shaving my legs or brushing me teeth, or I don't know, perhaps,  taking a shit.
Another thing....why must pant makers make pants with the silly little inside second or even third button? It never fails...I wait too long to go to the bathroom and when I finally make a break for it I get to the bathroom, doing the potty dance... I get buttons one and two unbuttoned and totally forget about button number three. In my haste to yank my pans down, the mysterious third button pops free--flies into the wall ricochets off of it and hits me square in the eye blinding me to the point where I fall off the toilet seat and piss on my shoe. STOP PUTTING IN THE THIRD BUTTON!
Weight loss is rolling along...now that its' warm I'm drinking lots of iced tea which is making me have to pee even more.
Gee I have a lot of potty references today, sorry. My mind must be in the toilet! Oh, I am so funny!
The rest of my garden in planted. I found a grape tomato plant and planted him, along with 4 bell peppers and one Anaheim pepper, along with one zucchini plant and a spaghetti squash and green beans. Usually I plant bush beans, this year I decided to plant pole beans, so..last night, I enlisted Drew's help in making a teepee of sorts out of fence posts and cattle panels. I plan to train my beans, along with my squash and zucchini to vine up it. Between my cattle panel teepee and my tomato filled tires my garden somewhat resembles a Christensen garage sale. (I think only my sister in law will understand that reference.) I decided to up the redneck ante on my gardening and "fertilize" a little. I had Drew clean out of one of the livestock pens and fill the wheelbarrow with "fertilizer" which I mixed into my soil before planting. I would have preferred him to clean the horse pen versus the pig pen. I stood there gagging the entire time. I may be a farm girl, but there are few things that smell worse than pig shit. I can handle cattle shit and horse shit ANY time, but pigs, eeesh....anywho, we will hope like hell something grows this year, other than the weeds!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Alice in Wonderland

There are honestly some days where I feel like I have fallen down the hole and into some alternative universe where everything is left, when I'm going right and then everything is right when I'm going left. I had a few moments over the weekend that made me seriously stop and say, "What the fuck?"But anywho, that is a totally different story meant for a different time.
Food wise over the weekend did well, stayed on track..my L&G was split in two on Saturday, that was really the only thing that deviated from plan and that's truly not a plan deviation.
Weigh in was this morning, down 6 pounds..whooo-hooo! Looking for 1-2 pounds next week, week two usually sucks.
I planted a partial garden yesterday. Tomatoes, cabbage and cauliflower, hopefully, we'll get something this year. I fertilized the ground before planting and planted my tomatoes in tires. My aunt does this and has tremendous luck, so...we shall see. I plan to plant zucchini, green beans and peppers, too. Hopefully I'll get that done tonight.
Not much more to report or say, I'm on a break from stuporvisors meeting. (closed session, got kicked out) so I'll try to be back later with something more interesting to say!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Quick note

I have a 7 year old home puking, so just a quick stop at the office and a quick post to you stalker friends. I would hate to leave you hanging after not even a week back in the saddle...
Narrowly avoided epic failure last night. Sick daughter. Son at a track meet didn't get home until 10 and "can't find a ride." (I hate when he pulls this card. He never asks. I'm sure there are several people who drive home within 5 miles of our home and would happily take him if we would ask, but I digress.) And of course no husband to be found....this is when I start to think about cookie dough. But alas, no cookie dough touched the lips, or the hips, however, I did eat a 6th MF meal of brownie bottom PB soft serve.
My skewed perception kicked in again yesterday, although in reverse. I picked up a couple of pairs of pants at a garage sale yesterday "thinking" they would fit, no problem. Then I got home and reminded myself, "Lardass, you gained back 20 pounds." These pants come no where close to fitting. At least I didn't spend a lot on them. They are now hanging on the wall of my bedroom staring at me. Mocking me. (Along with a pair of size 11 Hollisters I found at a second hand store that have zero elastic in them so they had zero chance of fitting, even when i was at my lowest last December.) So....that is what I will try to think of when anger, frustration, annoyance and other "issues" make me reach or long for cookie dough. I will take the pants of the wall, I will hug them and love them and stroke them and call them George. I will try them on and remind myself of how far or close I am from fitting them and I will be inspired. At least that's the plan. There is a small part of me that thinks I may try them on and say, "See Lardass--you ain't fitting these, grab the cookie dough." (Gee my inner monologue makes it sound as tho I have rolls of cookie dough filling my refrigerator, which I don't: cookie dough to me, seems like it is a universal happy food.) I will try to beat that person down, that naysayer that Debbie Downer. Progress and smaller ass that is what we're looking for here folks.
Today's reason for losing weight: The afore mentioned skinny jeans that mock me incessantly.
Today's goal: While home with sick Miss Jaci, avoid the urge to snack mindlessly, even if it is on pickles, celery or by splitting a L&G.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Yep, that's me, filling this post with a bunch of stolen shit! Here's the first thieved thing:
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” - Winston Churchill-That's deep shit right there folks. I like it though. Kind of puts things into perspective, don't it?
Another stolen item:

Chocolate Mint Ice Cream Brownie Bottoms

1 Medifast Brownie Mix
1 Medifast Chocolate Mint Soft Serve Mix
3/4 cup + 3 tbsp water, divided

Spray two ramekins with cooking spray. Mix brownie mix with 3 tablespoons of water and divide into two prepared dishes. Microwave for 1 to 1 1/2 minutes or until done. Set aside and let cool completely.
Mix soft serve with 3/4 cup water in shaker jar.  Pour mixture over the two brownies, dividing evenly.
Freeze for atleast 1 hour.

Meals: 2
This is the recipe to use up the soft serve, I referred to earlier today. Much easier than blending the shaved ice and all that crap for the soft serve and it did make it taste better. I actually used the peanut butter soft serve and just split it between two little plastic containers, because I'm not a high society enough bitch to own "ramekins". My high society-ness lies between Swamp People and ramekins. I think I am going to try to just mix the brownie batter with the soft serve, like swirl it in and make a brownie batter peanut butter soft serve, we'll see how that goes.
Now for my random thoughts: Garbage sale weekend has arrived, the insanity begins, psychos are arriving by the van load stealing shit out of each other's arms and haggling over nickles. I'm really glad I didn't decide to participate this year. (I am grateful to Jenny and Jerri tho, cheap jeans for me and the kiddos--thanks gals!)
So there seems to be a debate over whether OBL (thats Osama Bin Laden to the lay folks) was killed or assassinated. WHO GIVES A FUCK! The scurvy son of a bitch is dead. There seems to be some who are saying justice was not served because he didn't have a trial. Now, I know an actual justice system cannot work like this, but here's what I think; There are some criminals/crimes/circumstances in which a trial is not needed. Bin Laden masterminding the death of thousands of Americans who were ASSASSINATED and then bragging about it to his dress wearing cronies. GUILTY. Shoot the bastard no trial needed. Phillip and Nancy Garrido; Kidnapp and rape of Jaci Lee Duggard. UMMM she was found in a hut in the backyard with her two daughters spawned by Garrido. GUILTY: castrate and then drown the son of a bitch, no trial needed, then lock wifey Nancy in a room with Jaci's mother and let her give her a little "justice." Again, no trial needed. Jeffery Dahmer--body parts cooking on the stove and in wrappers in the freezer. Dig a whole and bury him. Guilty. No trial needed....I'm just sayin'.
I am amused by the message board posters who are ranting about Osama and erroneously type Obama. Most posters on public message boards ain't real bright.
I continue to be amazed at the amount of extra on some extra larges and the extreme lack of it in others. Honestly, we can send people into space and create drugs that give 90 year olds boners, but we can't determine universal sizing? I have a jacket that is a size XL that i swear to GOD my seven year old couldn't fit. I then have a pair of shorts that are XL that Dan and I can wear at the same time. Not that we've tried, he'd enjoy it too much, but seriously, they are freaking huge.
I CAN"T believe I managed to do this, but I did. Ma and sis in law were over and needed one for the ditch. I had no beer, but I did have two partial bottles of wine in the fridge. I gave them each a to go cup and had a little left in each bottle and I...YES ME...poured the left overs down the sink. I cried the entire time I did it. (kidding) But I did it. On plan bitches!
Today's reason for losing weight: To fit back into my $150 jeans that I miss...and into the new $150 jeans that are on my radar..and so I can buy a new sparkle belt because the one I love, while still fits has lost a few grommets.
Today's goal: Keep up the good work on the water. (I think I had plenty yesterday, I had to get up to pee twice in the middle of the night.)

Cinco De Mayo

So, I tried being Betty Crocker last night: I made a new recipe, which I have posted below (keep in mind the narrative is from the blog I stole it from, my additions are in different type). It was really pretty good and I think I will make a few tweaks to it to make it better. I tried making zucchini chips last night too, but my slices were uneven so some are not too crispy, I'll report on those later when I try to eat them. Speaking of zucchini, I am tempted to plant some in my garden, which my brother in law, graciously came to til, HOWEVER, legend has it zucchini multiplies faster than than the chicks on Teen Mom, so I am a bit hesitant. IF I decide to plant some, be prepared to find bags of it mysteriously left on your doorsteps.
OH I also tried ANOTHER new recipe, I will post that later, don't want you to have recipe overload on this post, its perfect for using up the soft serve you got duped into buying. For those of you who like the soft serve, I mean no offense, but perhaps a head examination is necessary? I mean the shit just isn't worth the hassle. Anywho..soft serve recipe, look for it later today...unfortunately, I have nothing more insightful or entertaining to share today, but its early, I might think of something and post it.

TACO BAKE: Perfect for Cinco de Mayo! I wanted to add more meat and less cheese than what the recipe called for because of the sodium content plus it is a lot of cheese! The crust has a ton of cheese in it already so I reduced the cheese on top by half. I also wanted more sauce with my meat which is why I added more tomato puree. To make the tomato puree, all you need to do is chop some tomatoes and put them in a blender. That's it! Pretty simple, huh?(Well, to me, this made a pretty soupy puree, so in the future, I would go ahead and blanch the tomatoes, to remove the skin and cook them a little bit before pureeing, you have plenty of time to do so while you're waiting for the crust to bake. I also added the green chilies right into the puree. A can of Rotel might be a whole hell of a lot easier.) I didn't add any salt because of the taco seasoning. I cut the recipe below in half so that I only made 4 servings because 8 servings is a bit much for just me. This allowed me to have a serving today, a serving tomorrow and 2 servings for the freezer. I just put a serving of the taco bake in a disposable Ziploc container and placed it in the freezer for another day. This makes it wonderful for those days you just don't feel like cooking. Enjoy!

This is definitely pure comfort food! A taco meat mixture topped with cheese and baked over a cream cheese and cheddar or Mexican cheese crust!

The crust before it is placed in the oven.

Ground taco meat mixture spread over the baked crust and then sprinkled with cheese.

Nice and hot out of the oven!

Taco Bake (I cut this in half)
Slightly adapted from Rosalu from the Medifast Forums

8 tbsp or 1/2 cup reduced fat cream cheese, softened (8 Condiments)
1/4 cup egg beaters (0.125 Lean)
5 tbsp Fat free half and half (5 Condiments)(Sorry, but where the fuck do you find FF half and half? I didn't find any in Audubon, didn't use any not sure what it would do)
1/2 teaspoon taco seasoning  (.25 Condiment)
8 ounces low fat Mexican cheese blend, shredded (2 Lean)

24.37 ounces 93% fat free Jennie-O ground turkey, cooked (4.875 Lean)(Fucking get real. 24.37 ounces? Since I half this recipe and use a little less cheese on top, I brown a whole pound of lean ground beef, then weigh out four servings. If I have some left over, I just tuck it in a ziploc for future use. 24.37 ounces, please bitch.)
4 teaspoons taco seasoning (2 Condiments)
1 cup tomato puree - tomatoes chopped then pureed to equal 1 cup (4 Greens)
4 ounces chopped green chilies (8 Condiments)
4 ounces Mexican cheese blend, shredded (1 Lean)

For the crust, beat the cream cheese and eggs until smooth. Add the cream and seasoning. Grease a 9"x13" baking dish; spread the cheese over the bottom. Pour in the egg mixture as evenly as possible.(The shit doesn't pour, perhaps if I had the FF half and half it would, I'll try and remember it the next time I go out of town, but then I will be stuck wondering what to do with a pint, minus 2 1/2 tablespoons of FF 1/2 and 1/2.) Bake at 375ºF, 25-30 minutes. Let stand 5 minutes before adding the topping.
For the topping, brown the hamburger; drain fat. Stir in the seasoning, tomato sauce and chilies. Spread over the crust. Top with cheese. Reduce oven to 350ºF and bake another 20 minutes or so until hot and bubbly.

Serve with your favorite veggies!(Now, what I did, since I was working with zucchini anyway was shred some up and browned it with my hamburger. Its one of those sneaky-ass mom tricks to get the family to eat vegetables when they don't even know it. They happily ate their pizza mac and had no freaking clue there was green shit in it! I added some chopped tomato diced green pepper to it too before baking. I then topped it with some more chopped tomato and shredded lettuce.)

8 servings with 1 Lean, 3 Condiments, and 1/2 Green per serving (You will need 2 1/2 more greens per serving) (As written, again, I cut the recipe in half and added more veggies to equal the 3 servings and I didn't count the green chilies as a condiment I put a spoonful of them in my puree and considered it part of vegetables. Besides, aren't chili peppers vegetables?)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I'm learning

that we weight loss bloggers are evil people. Let me explain; because I am, shall we say, "NEW" to this lifestyle change, (I say new because that's how I need to treat this) I am scanning blogs/websites for other people who are on this journey. I will find one or two sites that are interesting and 98% of them have links to THEIR favorite or inspiring sites, so I proceed to click on over. What I find interesting and could probably be the basis for some multi-million dollar scientific study is that when we are doing well, we post like crazy. We share recipes, we brag about our accomplishments, we are She-Ra Warrior Princesses parading around with caramel nut bars in hand and powerade zeros in our cupholders. When we start to fall off plan, we lament about it for a few posts, beat ourselves up about it tell you all, "that's it...I'm starting over tomorrow...or the next day" or 'I'm NEVER doing that again" or "I was SOOO bad last night/week/year" and then we up and stop posting. (Sound familiar stalker friends?) To me the real victory lies in those of us, who actually come back and start seriously blogging again. Daily. (Or in my case, everyday but weekends and holidays because I am to cheap to buy high speed internet at home.) I say this with exception to the few who continue to blog about their failures and misgivings and lack of ability to "stay on plan" when they aren't attempting "THE PLAN." They are making a plan of their own. Sorry Sweetcheeks, but doing it "on your own" is what got you to almost 300 pounds, creating a plan "of your own" probably won't help. I'm just saying. And maybe this particular blogger will attempt to make her own plan that works, but I'm not sticking around to read about it.... So, in my attempt to get back on track, I will not become a ghost blogger disappearing when times get tough and I will not bitch about the plan not working if I am "not working the plan." Because that's just not how I am going to roll, anymore.
Now, on to other things---
People who have pets whose names start with Dr. or Mr. like Mr. Tuxedo Paws REALLY freak me out. They are super scary. Like, rank right up there with snakes and serial killers type scary. The only animals that should have Dr. or Mr. in front of their names are registered papered critters like bulls and horses and breeding dogs and are never referred to as such.
I'm intrigued by the whackjobs from the Westboro who are coming to Manning this afternoon and there is a part of me that wants to drive up there and witness their protest. It almost feels like I would be some small part of history if I did, but then there is a larger part of me that just wants to completely ignore them because they thrive on attention and publicity and I don't want to give them that satisfaction.  I abhor all that they do and stand for, but in the same instance, if the media and the general public stopped giving them the attention they so obviously desire, they may start to go away, or at least become smaller. Or as others on Facebook have suggested, we need to figure out who their family members are and start protesting at their funerals.
Mother Nature, you continue to be a Dirty Whore. In fact, I believe you have crossed Dirty Whore status and are now venturing into Filthy Cuntbucket status. It looks BEAUTIFUL outside, but its windy and its still a bit chilly.
I find it interesting that I adore flip flops but I really don't like those little ballet flat type shoes. If I can't have flip flops, give me heels or boots.
I know i posted this on FB the other night, but seriously, watching Swamp People makes me feel like a high society bitch. I honestly cannot believe that there are people who A. live like that. B. do that for a living and C. talk like that. Wow. I honestly can't believe that its "must watch TV" at our house. I cannot turn away.
Oh well, I think that is all for now...I have some white cheddar soy puffs and a pomegranate cherry crystal lite calling my name. Later gators.


Yes, cowpokes, Giddy the fuck up...pardon the cowgirl references, but last night, I actually got back in the saddle. Literally. I rode a horse. A tall one at that. I had last been on a horse, last summer I think, before this journey started. It was Jack, our shorter, older, tamer, has one speed and that is walk-horse. I needed a bucket to get on him. I could not put my foot in the saddle and swing my other leg over him. Last night, I put my foot in the stirrup on the saddle that was on Star, our younger MUCH taller, has more spunk-horse and swung my leg right over, no hesitation, no hop, no needing a bucket. SO, while in the back of my mind I am still thinking of my miserable failures in the last 6 weeks, at least I have SOME semblance of a victory. We only rode for about 20 minutes, but it was nice. Something I haven't been able to do in a long time, so it felt good.
I was on plan yesterday, all day. Which also felt good. I ate mostly liquids in my five and one. Two puddings, a chicken noodle soup and a bar. I had a broccoli/squash mix and a piece of flat iron steak for my l&g. The flat iron cooked wasn't enough protein, so I had a boca burger about an hour after that, with mustard, pickles and WF BBQ sauce. I was reminded that while I don't mind boca burgers, Morningstar Farms are much better. I think its the fact that the Boca patties are a funny tannish grayish kind of color that doesn't even remotely look like a burger and they are quite mushy. In fact it kind of looks like what we feed Drew's 4-h pigs, formed into a patty. yummy, huh?
Today, I had a chocolate pudding, planning to have another one in about a half an hour. I also have a chicken noodle soup and am hoping I can do some pretzels this afternoon. While the steak and veggies went down okay, my stomach still wasn't happy to meet them. My L&G for tonight is going to be a taco bake, the recipe which I found on that blog I mentioned the other day. I plan to top it with an assload of lettuce and fresh tomatoes. If it turns out I will post the recipe here.
I know I am not to exercise at this point, because frankly kids, I am a newbie again. I am starting fresh, so, I am to wait until week three which is May 16 before I am to exercise, BUT, I plan to do the Wellness Walk on Friday, I will walk at a leisurely pace, not over doing anything and I will feel good about it. Damnit. I also encourage any of you, if you are free, or if you can get away for any amount of time, to join me. I think we may even close our office for the hour and a half that the walk lasts so we can all participate and help the students reach their goal of 1,000 walkers. It starts at approximately 10:15.
Today's reason for losing weight: I want to be the "She's YOUR wife?" again, when I'm with Big D, that was a pretty good feeling. Yes, he's a lucky son of a bitch.
Today's goal: Increase my water. I'm pretty good with water intake, but I haven't made it back up to the peeing every 20 minutes all afternoon level that I once was at.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A slap in the face

That is what weigh in was yesterday. A slap in the face. Yes, hiding from the scale was not a smart thing to do. I KNOW that. It was an "easier" thing to do though. Weigh in was yesterday. It was at least 20 pounds of gain. I honestly cannot remember what my last weigh in weight was, I didn't like what it read yesterday and I know its at least a 20 pound gain. :( Not at all the direction I need to go, BUT there is small victory in the fact that the scale has appeared in the bathroom once again and I am not hiding from it.
There is also small victory in the fact that since about 2 p.m. Sunday I have had a violent bout of stomach flu/stomach bug whatever you want to call it. I have had ZERO appetite and have had trouble keeping anything down. Its made days one and two of the plan very easy to follow. Only, I didn't follow it exactly because i couldn't get my lean and green down yesterday. I just had six MF meals and one sugar free jello. I had one cup of coffee and couldn't even finish it. YES, stalker friends, I was sick. I usually have a POT of coffee.
I had a pudding for breakfast today and a bar at 10ish. It took ALOT to get the bar chewed up and down and it was a caramel nut, which is my favorite. I just couldn't stand solid food yet. I have a chicken noodle soup "brewing." I have steak thawing out, which I hope I get to eat with some broccoli. Real found is actually sounding good, but smelling it may be a different story. While being sick sucks, this time, its helping. :)
Today's reason for losing weight: (I thought I should bring this back, so I can regain my mojo and remind myself why I do this) I want to wear a pair of tight ripped up jeans with a tank top, my sparkle belt and my boots and look cute, not lumpy.
Today's goal: Eat my lean and green and remember to measure everything.

Friday, April 29, 2011


small bites of reality are what I am focusing on today. Small bites of anything would be progress at this point. With the gradual reemergence of chin number three which had disappeared leaving chins one and two hanging out on their own, its time to really slap my self silly and get out of my "damn it all to hell mode". Still, I am not starting completely until Monday, partially due to the said party I am attending and partially due to what MF food I have on hand and when I will be able to order my next shipment. That doesn't mean I am ordering cheddar crisps and tenderloins for breakfast, nosiree...I had a fiber plus bar and a yogurt so far today and have been journaling. Funny how millions of studies and thousands of weight loss gurus have hocked the idea that a food journal is key in weight loss success and I only choose to partially listen. I choose to journal like a 12 year old babbling about Beiber fever in her diary in the early stages of the program and then when I know I've eaten something I shouldn't I stop journaling. Which is like lying to myself. My ass knows that the cupcake was inhaled, but part of me thinks that if I fail to write it down, my mind will forget about it. Yeah, that's really not the point. The point of journaling is so you can visually SEE everything you put in your mouth and say, "WHOA mule." Before you do too much damage. Like 20 pounds of damage, which is what I fear I've done. And that perhaps is the cold hard, raw truth of this. I was within what 10 pounds of my original goal and I may have just set myself back three months because of what? I dunno. Boredom. A case of mild-depression. Stress. A combination of all of it? I'm not sure. Yeah, I know, read my workbooks, focus on a chapter. Find alternatives to dealing with my "issues" that don't involve eating. Easier said than done.
So, today my Fiber PLus bar, which is the coconut one that totally tastes like those chocolate coconut girl scout cookies, had 120 calories, 4 grams of fat 10 net carbs and 2 grams of protein. Yogurt 110 cals, no fat, 20 carbs 6 protein. I will be doing my damndest today to have a good lunch. I'm thinking a salad from subway, sans dressing. It will be challenging, as we have leftovers from Working Womens's, which features all kinds of munchies, dips, crackers, etc, which are the foods I love that I have trouble with. Honestly, I can avoid the sweets. I can ignore candy, cake, cookies. I can ignore pizza, french fries, cheese balls. But, put out a dip of some sort with chips, cheese and crackers and little smokies and I cave like Charlie Sheen at a crack house.
I managed to avoid any and all coverage of the Royal Wedding on TV this morning. I will admit that I looked up a few pictures on line. Kate looked stunning. I wanted to give her sister Pippa a sandwich. She looked fabulous, but I'm sure her hip bones could carve a roast.
I realized I am going straight to hell, because as I'm absorbing the coverage of the tornadoes in the south, all I can think of is the Jeff Foxworthy bit that talked about how when covering storm damage in the south, there is always the one woman on television in her pink sponge rollers and house coat saying, "I saw her trailer fly away and all I could think of was Caroline still has my casserole dish!" Yep, I will burn a little extra for that one.
I swear to all that is holy if I have to watch anymore coverage of the NFL draft, I will throw my husband through the television. (Yes, i realize yesterday was only the first round and that it will be on all freakin weekend, but seriously...we've watched 8 fucking weeks of "Path to the Draft" which is like any other sports show---a bunch of idiots in suits who know nothing talking and speculating on stuff they cannot predict and if they manage to guess correctly they talk about how they are "MAsters of the Universe," and if they don't guess it correctly, the lament the owners and coaches and call them idiots.) Honestly, I think I get dumber just by being in the same room with that drivel on.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

See I told you I'd be back

In my quest to indoctrinate myself back into the TSFL world, I have been going back and reading some of my favorite blogs. Except for Lynn's cuz, well, she's a whack job. One of the other weight loss/MF blogs I visit, the author has jumped back in the saddle after being off plan herself, so she and I may have a few things in common. Anywho, she pointed me in the direction of Sandy's Kitchen, which is chock FULL of all kinds of glorious recipes that have me kind of pumped to get back in the swing of things. I've already printed out a few and plan to see what I have on hand and what I need to buy or order. Another blog, not weight loss related, that i happened to stumble upon is Our Best Bites which gave me some super cute and super cool treats to make for miss Jaci's birthday, which will be here in just a few weeks, so that's cool. Check them both out if you have a minute. If you want exact links, message me and I will provide them.
The main reason for me being back this afternoon is I am trying to keep myself busy as JM is on a conference call for JJ's unemployment appeal. It's nerve racking and its like living that day all over again, which as much as I couldn't stand the kid, I don't like having to repeat it, for it was not a shining moment for me. I feel sorry for the guy and I think it sucks that it had to come to where it did but I don't feel guilty. He deserves what he got. He's got problems that need addressed and they had needed addressed long before it came to where it did.
It's funny how, with him gone, my stress level and annoyance level should have seen massive improvements, but it really didn't. I should clarify. My stress level work wise has decreased, but my annoyance level remains high and my non work stress remains the same. Perhaps I am the one with the issues, huh? I guess the real annoyance I have in all of this, is no one should have 13 different DOCUMENTED incidents of inappropriate office conduct and get away with it. No management worth a lick of salt should have let these things pile up the way they did and no one should be scared to go to work because of the tension and environment.
WHEW enough of that serious crap, besides the conference call is over now....
While its gloriously sunny out right now, I hate this weather because I'm half cold/half sweaty. The track meet will suck because I will probably be warm as it starts and be freezing my ass off before its over! At least its not raining and we were able to actually get one in! I desperately need some 70-80 degree weather, it could go far in improving my mood and disposition.


I guess Hmmm is what I say, when I have nothing else to say. Its been nearly a month since I've blogged and nearly a month since I stepped on the scale. Both seem to be strangely intertwined. I have decided, with some not so subtle prodding from a dear friend who shall remain anonymous, (Its called tough love) to step back on that scale and as my husband would say, get back in the saddle.
Funny, when I rode horse all those years, it was ON the saddle not IN it, but I digress.
In the past 22 days since I have blogged, I have really not done much in the way of exercising. I have not eaten properly, although I have discovered that I love vanilla Greek yogurt with fresh blackberries. So, I have eaten a few proper things. I have been avoiding vegetables like the plague, unless you count when I load all the veggies on my club sub. (which I do get on honey oat bread with mustard and no cheese) so while I'm not failing in the epic proportion of the word fail, I'm still pretty much a Class A fuck up. I'm not eating entire frozen pizzas covered in ranch dressing or tubes of cookie dough, although the thought has crossed my mind, but I'm not doing what I need to be doing, that is obvious and its come to the point of, do I throw what I have accomplished down the toilet or do I suck it up? Seeing as how my $150 jeans are approaching unwearable status because of my fucking up, its time to suck it up.
Monday is my new official start day because this will truly be a 100% restart of the program, a detox if you will. I'm terrified of what the scale will say. I'm more terrified of what it won't say the following week. I'm struggling with the numbers game because as I told Coach, my inner "you're annoying the fuck out of me, I hate you all because I am miserable" bitch comes out whether my ass is in size 20's or size 12's. So, I have to decide if not having to shop in the fat girl section anymore is enough for me. I do have to admit I did feel better while on plan and I did have a shitton more energy than I do now, so I was a more energetic, needing less sleep bitch, which is probably a plus :)
You're probably reading this thinking, "Yeah, sure, we've heard this shit before." Or you're thinking, "If you're serious about restarting, start tomorrow, or why didn't you start today." The truth of the matter is, I plan to go to a party on Saturday. I will also (weather permitting, Mother Nature you're a dirty whore, so please quit talking rain Saturday) be golfing on Saturday, for the first time in about 15 years, so I would imagine many a beer will be drank and there's no sense in starting today when I fully intend to indulge in several "pork chops in a can" which would totally derail and progress. It's not an excuse, its the truth and one I'm fine with.
Now, for the real point of my blog..me getting to whine and complain about everything in sight!!!! WOO HOO!!!
I found the freaking jailbird hat....the entire plastic bag with the hat and tights were in Drew's room. I'm not even going to ask why or how, but I am assuming it had to do with the "dress up marathon" that happened confirmation Sunday with Jaci and her cousins.
I am waiting eagerly for tomorrow, tis the day of the Royal Wedding....and FUCK NO I'm not watching it! I can't wait for the shit to be done with so we can perhaps focus on the fact that 200 people were killed in tornadoes last night and not on what clothing might be in one of 10 garment bags Kate and her cronies were seen with!!!!
The whole birther thing makes me shake my head and say, "Only in America" and not in a good way. While personally, I don't give a shit what Donald Trump says or thinks and never have, I have to wonder why when POB (That's President Barack Obama) talks about having bigger issues to tackle and more important things to worry about, that he isn't tackling these bigger issues? Fine, release the birth certificate, make a statement as to the ridiculousness of having to do so and get back to work, why call a press conference and give a speech? Why not just say, "Here's the damn certificate, now shut up?"
I'm sure I have many more things to bitch about, and perhaps I'll be back later when I think of them, but my third cup of coffee is calling to me and if I don't answer it soon I may have to bitch slap the next person I see. Peace out stalker friends.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Throwing away the scale

Technically I did not throw it away, I am too cheap to do that. I did however put it away. There is logic behind it. I am addicted to scale hopping. I can't stop it and if the scale is sitting in front of me, I will step on it. Repeatedly, hoping the find the magic number that pleases me. I hang a few toes off one side, I rest my forehead on the wall, I kind of lean to the left, putting more weight on that side of the scale, thinking that it will make the numbers drop, I suck my stomach in (as if that makes a difference.) I will honestly, if I am home all day, step on the scale at least 4 different times. Do I know better? Yes. Does this stop me? No. Last week I had finally managed to worm my way out of my self-induced case of headupassitis. I was doing wonderfully. I stepped on the scale on my fifth wonderfully on plan day expecting to see a 4-5 pound loss. (When I was kicking ass on this program, whatever the scale said on Friday was usually within a pound of what my weigh in was on Tuesday.) I had lost a half a pound. A HALF A POUND! That is like, forgetting to take a piss before weigh-in. So, what did i do? I had a little pity party on Saturday night that consisted of several drinks and some bar pizza. SO. It's official. I am not weighing in for a few weeks. My scale will remain incognito. I am doing well this week, no bouts of cookie dough induced comas or anything like that. I did have some fresh pineapple last night, which is totally taboo on this plan but my mind has trouble with the whole "fresh fruit is evil" concept.
On a side note, watch out Zumba coven, I have recovered fully from my fall and have full intention of crashing the ritual tomorrow. There should be loads of comedic stories to follow that!