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Friday, June 3, 2011

Holy hill

Batman. I DID walk while Jaci was at dance last night. Hiked was more like it. I left the dance studio and immediately went up to the top of the hill to (forgive me, I've been away from Atlantic for too long) the top of Sunnyside Park, I think it was???Big ass honkin hill. I quickly went back down the hill, only to find myself trekking BACK up 14th? I think it was??? Took it to Birch, back over to 10th and back to the studio. Bottom line, my thighs and ass are killing me today. I felt like I needed a cane to walk to the bathroom when I got out of bed this morning. But that's a good thing! (all in all about 2 miles, less than 30 minutes)
Bummer, no PB2 at the Atl Hy-Vee. Another bummer, I thought I had grabbed kale to make more kale chips, only to discover that I had actually grabbed mustard greens. WTF does one do with mustard greens? If you have any ideas...throw 'em at me. All I can think of is sautee like you would fresh spinach. Something fun I did manage to grab was purple cauliflower. It's supposed to be a little sweeter, don't really care, I like cauliflower no matter what color it is, just thought purple would be fun!
I mentioned this next thing in my column for next week (yes, I KNOW I am an over achiever, as my deadline is like 5 days away!!!!) but someone shared with me an open letter written to the Governor of Michigan, from a superintendent who wants to change his high school into a prison. Think about what we spend annually on prisoners and what we spend annually on our students. I promise you, your panties will get in a wad. Prisoners at Oakdale Prison here in Iowa are living a $54,301 lifestyle....the state gives schools $5,280 (or something close to that) per student. To bring it closer to home. The people in our local jail, I don't call them prisoners, its not a prison its a jail...get to eat the daily special from the Food Pride deli everyday for lunch, dinner, and breakfast, too, I believe. I would like to be able to afford the daily special at Food Pride everyday, but I don't have that sort of funding. Yes, I know, they need to eat. You can get a loaf of bread for $1.29, a SQUEEZE bottle of mustard (no knife needed) for 99 cents and a package of bologna for $2 and you can make probably 10 sandwiches. There you go....Now if that were to happen there would be 87 lawyers screaming civil liberties. I'm sorry, when your social status went from citizen to criminal or prisoner, I think civil liberties get shitcanned too.
I thought when prisons were first created many, many, many moons ago it was to DETER people from committing crime. (For example in medieval times, we chained you to a wall and didn't feed you for a few days....I bet that sucked and I bet it would have made me think, "Wow that was a BAD idea." What does prison say now? I get all of my meals, healthcare, cable televsion, internet access, I can earn a college degree, I have a built in fitness center and all of my clothing is provided. And here's the best part....I don't have to pay a dime for it, someone else foots the bill. When I get out, I can't vote (but then again I never did in the first place) and it's a little hard to find a job, but that's okay, there are government hand-outs that give me enough money to buy cheeto's and Mt. Dew and I can dump bottles of water out on the curb and cash in the refund so I can buy my smokes and I'll get by. I'll have a couple more kids with baby mamas three and four (the tax payers will pay for that) and then get busted again so I can get cable tv again. I think there is very little in the current prison system that would DETER a criminal from committing another crime. Make them miserable! At least take their  cable and internet away, please?
Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm over-exaggerating a bit and generalizing a tad but when it comes right down to it; if we gave schools the money per student that we give prisons per prisoner, perhaps those schools would be better equipped to make sure some students don't turn into prisoners...
Goal for today/tonight/this weekend-No snacks..you don't NEED them. You're simply bored and wanting to munch, so let's no do that, k?
Reason for losing weight---smaller bras. (yes, boobs are a good thing--but smaller bras are nice too, they are cuter)

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