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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Like the new scenery?

It was time to mix things up a little.
Turkey zucchini burgers=awesome..made a little dill mayo to put on top of it, had a salad and some tomatoes, good stuff Maynerd.
Its been too fucking hot to do much exercise, to be frank. Yes, I know, I should get up early in the morning and walk. I should stop biting my fingernails, drinking coffee, shopping for crap I don't need and give up my addiction to watching Ghost Adventures, too, but I don't foresee any of the above happening. You see, no matter how much energy I have. I HATE MORNINGS! Seriously. I am not a morning person. I honestly could sleep until noon and have no hard feelings about it. I always have been that way. I love my sleep like most people love their children; some of you maybe more than. To me, the 6 a.m. alarm I have in place for driver's ed, is plenty fucking early. Now, it's not to say that once drivers ed is over I won't get up at that time and walk...that could happen, especially since Drew wants to start going to the weight room in the morning versus evening. I walk-he lifts, it's a good program, its what we did last summer. It's not working right now because he has to be at school at 7, meaning, I have one hour (okay roughly 35 minutes, when you count the snooze button I hit and the time it takes to drive to town) to get ready for work every morning. 
I do plan to golf this afternoon, so there is a little bit of exercise, yes it will be completely eliminated by the beer that will accompany it, but, alas, such is life.
Todays reason for losing weight: Cute tank tops, I see skinny people in cute tank tops and think, hmm if I didn't have bat wings and back fat, perhaps I could pull that off :)
Today's goal: Eat the purple cauliflower before it goes bad, you've been thinking about it, but just haven't done it. (Because you have to finish off the salad greens :)

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