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Tuesday, June 21, 2011


of the random nature...
Just felt like spewing alot of randomness today....
Two mile walk on Saturday felt good, thank you Coach K for "holding my hand" yeah I didn't get all crazy and run or anything like that, getting out of bed after golfing Friday night was accomplishment enough.
Golfing Friday night fun times, good time had by all and golf game is gradually improving.
Golfed Sunday afternoon with the kidlets. Sad when you have to use your 7 year old's drive on no. 9 because you're a shankopotamous and the other two in your foursome sliced it onto the highway. (To give her some credit, she whacked it right down the middle of the fairway and it took a nice, healthy bounce, or two.)
Much love to Two Moms and a Hoe, loving the t-shirt, you can trim my bush anytime.
To you young, or in some cases, not so young,  chippies who think its cool to take nudie shots on your phone and then text them to your boyfriend, do you not realize that the picture you took last night is now halfway across the nation because your boyfriend undoubtedly forwarded it to all of his buddies? Just waiting for the day that it gets back to your father, because yes, he too gets texts with boobies on them, on occasion. On a similar note, a forward of said boobies when they are anonymous (meaning you can tell its a still from a "paid" entertainer is one thing, seeing a forward of someone's boobies whom you might later see at the store is fucking gross...I'm just sayin.
Hoping that this is purely rumor, seeing as how life is like a game of telephone, but if there are insurance companies out there refusing to pay for the Missouri River flooding because they say it was caused by an act of man (Army Corps of Engineers not releasing water) may you rot in hell. NO, may the crabs of a 1,000 whores infest your crotch and may your arms be too short to scratch it.
It would be really nice if it stopped fucking raining....
Am I the only one who gets annoyed by the fact that JFK pretty much gets a free pass for fucking around on Jacque, IN the Whitehouse? Yeah, AHHH-nold is a poor excuse for a husband, but I'm sorry, didn't Maria's uncle do the same damn thing and yet no one says a word? (It's because he's dead isn't it?)
I kind of gotta agree with Roger Ebert. You tweet a photo of yourself drinking and partying it up and hours later die in a firey highspeed car crash, killing someone else in the process...hmmm....it's one of those things I will never understand about celebrities who get busted for OWI or who get in drunken car wrecks YOU OF ALL PEOPLE can afford to call a cab or HIRE a DRIVER! Not that we all haven't done stupid things while drinking, but really. (Oh and sorry Bam Magera, not sure that I buy that there are MILLIONS of people in mourning..yeah there are a bunch of us saying, "gee that's a shame" but had I not read that Ryan Dunn was "one of the dudes from Jackass", I'd have never known who he was...and the only reason I know who you are Mr. Magera is because you have your own show and your name is in the title.)
I am addicted to Mob Wives on VH-1. I want to punch Drita in the face every time she opens her mouth because I seriously don't think she's that tough and I think Carla is an idiot, but it's like the people watching show on the grand concourse at the state fair,  I can't quit looking. Renee reminds me a little of my friend Trudy...
I have been on TSFL for over a year now. It was one year on June 1. I'm really annoyed at myself that I have not met goal nor been on transition and maintenance. AM I smaller than I was a year ago, yes and that makes me happy. Am I smaller than I was six months ago. NO and that pisses me off. I have all of the tools in front of me and I know how to make this work, the fact that I am not, really is stupid. Its like trying to build your deck using a pliers as your hammer when your hammer is sitting in the tool box. You think, "Yeah, this probably isn't going to work, but eh, whatever, it will eventually get this nail in."
The good news, weigh in is down three pounds...84,000 left to go.

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